Onsite at the museum we have books and other materials available for researchers of all ages. To request research time in the museum outside of open hours, please utilize our contact form. We are always accepting donations of historical shark-related materials and books for our Museum Library!

Current Living Sharks Museum Library Catalog as of (12/12/24) Autographed books are marked ( ++ )

  1. About Sharks Scharp, Hal Softcover 1979

  2. About Sharks and Shark Attack Davies, David Hardcover 1964

  3. Adventures in Amity: Tales from the Jaws Ride Mcneil Softcover 2018

  4. An Adventurous Life Taylor, Valerie Softcover 2019

  5. Angler's Guide to Sharks Northeast American Littoral Society Softcover 1992

  6. Angler's Guide to Sharks Northeast US Department of Interior Softcover 1975

  7. Archaic Fishes - VII Chlamydoselachus Gudger, E. W. Softcover 1940

  8. Battle With Monsters of the Sea Hedges, F.A. Mitchell Hardcover 1937

  9. Big Game Fishes and Sharks of New Zealand Parrott, Arthur W. Hardcover 1958

  10. Biological Survey of the Waters of Woods Hole, A Bureau of Fisheries Hardcover 1911

  11. Biology of Sharks and Rays Klimley, A. Peter Hardcover 2013

  12. Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives Carrier, Musick, Heithaus Hardcover 2004

  13. Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives - Second Edition Carrier, Musick, Heithaus Hardcover 2012

  14. Biology of the Soupfin and Biochemical Studies of the Liver Softcover 1946

  15. Blue Meridian Matthiessen, Peter Hardcover 1971 ++

  16. Blue Mind Nichols, Wallace J. Hardcover 2014

  17. Blue Wilderness Taylor, Ron & Valerie Hardcover 1997

  18. Book of Sharks, The Ellis, Richard Hardcover 1976

  19. Chasing Science at Sea Prager, Ellen Hardcover 2008 ++

  20. Chasing Shadows Skomal, Greg Hardcover 2023 ++

  21. Close to Shore Capuzzo, Michael Hardcover 2001

  22. Commercial Shark Fishing & Processing in Florida Beaumariage, Dale. Softcover 1968

  23. Cousteau's Great White Shark Cousteau, Jean-Michel Hardcover 2000

  24. Craig Kingsbury Talkin’ Henshaw, Kristen Kingsbury Paperback 2005 ++

  25. Danger in the Deep - Surviving Shark Attacks Zoldak, Joyce Hardcover 2009

  26. Danger in the Sea Fraser-Brunner, Alec Hardcover 1973

  27. Danger Shark! Butler, Jean Campbell Hardcover 1964

  28. Demon Fish Eilperin, Juliet Hardcover 2011

  29. Designing Jaws Alves & Prince Hardcover 2019

  30. Devil's Teeth, The Casey, Susan Hardcover 2005 ++

  31. Dictionary of Sharks Pope, Patricia Softcover 1974

  32. Discovering Sharks Gruber, Samuel H. Softcover 1991

  33. Diving the Devil’s Crown - Great White Sharks Baldwin, Jeff Softcover 2013 ++

  34. Diving with Sharks and other Adventure Dives Jackson, Jack Softcover 2001

  35. Elasmobranch Fishes, The Daniel, J. Frank Hardcover 1934

  36. Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks Hardcover 2004

  37. Emperors of the Deep McKeever, William Hardcover 2019 ++

  38. Encyclopedia of Sharks, The Parker, Steve & Jane Softcover 2002

  39. Explore a Shark Gordon, David George Hardcover 2015

  40. Extinct Wilson, Charles Paperback 1997

  41. Field Guide to Eastern Pacific and Hawaiian Sharks US Department of Interior Softcover 1967

  42. Field Guide to Sharks, Skates, and Ratfish of Alaska Stevenson, Orr, Hoff, McEachran 2007 ++

  43. Field Guide to the Great White Shark Martin, R. Aidan Softcover & DVD 2003

  44. Fifty Years a Hooker Mundus, Frank & Jeanette Softcover 2005 ++

  45. Fill the Frame DiMaggio, Joe Softcover 2017 ++

  46. Fishery Resources of the United States US Senate Report Softcover 1945

  47. Fishes Jordan, David Starr Hardcover 1925

  48. Focus on Sharks Riedman & Gustafson Hardcover 1969

    Fossil Collecting in the Mid-Atlantic States Burns, Jasper Softcover 1991

  49. Fossil Collecting in North Carolina - Bulletin 89 DEHNR Softcover 1998

  50. Fossil Diving in Waters Containing Prehistoric Treasures Sinibaldi Ph.D, Robert W. Softcover 1998 ++

  51. Fossil Marine Mammals from the Miocene Calvert Kellogg, Remington Hardcover 1969

  52. Fossil Shark and Fish Remains of North America Case, Gerald R. Softcover 1967 ++

  53. Fossil Shark Teeth of the World Cocke, Joe Softcover 2002

  54. Fossil Sharks: A Pictoral Review Case, Gerard Softcover 1973 ++

  55. Fossil Vertebrates - Beach and Bank Collecting Thomas, M.C. Softcover 1978

  56. Fossils of Calvert Cliffs Ashby, Wallace Calvert Marine Museum Softcover 1995

  57. Giant Fishes, Whales and Dolphins Norman & Fraser Hardcover 1938

  58. Gloria the Shark Lady Patience, Gloria Softcover 1994 ++

  59. Gray Curtain, The Trull, Peter Softcover 2015

  60. Great Shark Adventures Snyderman, Marty Softcover 1998

  61. Great White Shark, The Crockett, Jim Hardcover 1989

  62. Great White Shark Scientist Montgomery, Sy Hardcover 2016 ++

  63. Great White Sharks - Biology of C. carcharias Klimley. A. Peter Softcover 1996

  64. Great Shark Stories Taylor, Ron & Valerie Hardcover 1978

  65. Great Shark Writings Taylor, Ron & Valerie Softcover 2000

  66. Great White - The Majesty of Sharks Fallows, Chris Hardcover 2009

  67. Great White Shark - The Definitive Look Ellis & McCosker Softcover 1991

  68. Great White Shark Handbook Skomal, Greg Softcover 2023 ++

  69. Guide for the Dissection of the Dogfish Griffin, Lawrence E. Softcover 1937

  70. Guide to Commercial Shark Fishing in the Caribbean Sea AACC D.C. Softcover 1945

  71. Guide to the Manta & Devil Rays of the World Stevens, Fernando, Dando Softcover 2018

  72. Handbook of Fossil Collecting Case, Gerald R. Softcover 1972

  73. Handbook of Survival in the Water NavPers US Navy Softcover 1951

  74. Hawaii's Deadly Sharks - Tigers of the Sea Borg, Jim Softcover 1993

  75. How to Survive on Land and Sea US Navy Aviation Hardcover 1951

  76. Identification Guide of Shark & Ray Species - Eastern Tropical Atlantic Seret, Bernard Softcover 2006

  77. In Harm’s Way Stanton, Doug Softcover 2002 ++

  78. In the Slick of the Cricket Drumm, Russell Hardcover 1997

  79. Jaws Benchley, Peter Hardcover 1974 First Edition

  80. Jaws 2 - Making of the Hollywood Sequel Pisano & Smith Hardcover 2015 ++

  81. Jaws Log, The Gottlieb, Carl Softcover 1975 ++

  82. Jaws Memories from Martha's Vineyard Taylor, Matt Softcover 2011

  83. Jaws of Death - Shark as Predator Man as Prey Maniguet, Xavier Softcover 2001

  84. Joe Alves On Designing Jaws Prince, Dennis L. Softcover 2018

  85. Killers in the Water Blackhall, Sue Softcover 2012

  86. Killers of the Seas Ricciuti, Edward Hardcover 1973

  87. Killer Sharks: The Real Story Mathews, Brad Softcover 1975

  88. Lady and the Sharks, The Clark, Eugenie Softcover 1969 ++

  89. Lady With a Spear Clark, Eugenie Hardcover 1953 ++

  90. Let’s Go Fossil Shark Tooth Hunting Cartmell, B. Clay Softcover 1978

  91. Life at a Public Aquarium Sciara, John Benjamin Softcover 2019 ++

  92. Life of Sharks, The Budker, Paul Softcover 1971

  93. Lives of Sharks, The Abel & Grubbs Hardcover 2023

  94. Living off the Pacific Ocean Floor Moskovita, George Softcover 2000 ++

  95. Living Sea, The Cousteau, Jacques-Yves Hardcover 1963

  96. Long Island Fauna - IV The Sharks Brooklyn Museum Softcover 1916

  97. Mako Sharks De Maddalena, Alessandro Hardcover 2005

  98. Maneater Man - Alf Dean Thiele, Colin Hardcover 1979

  99. Man-Eating Sharks Dennis, Felix Hardcover 1975

  100. Man Who Rode Sharks, The Royal, William Hardcover 1978 ++

  101. Marine Animals of Southern New England & New York Weiss, Howard Ph.D Hardcover 1995

  102. Meg Alten, Steve Hardcover 1997

  103. Megalodon - Hunting the Hunter Renz, Mark Softcover 2002

  104. Men and Sharks Hass, Hans Hardcover 1954

  105. Monster Shark’s Tooth, The Vogt, Peter Softcover 2009

  106. Myth and Maneater - Story of the Shark Webster, David Kenyon Softcover 1975

  107. Natal Shark Board’s Field Guide to Sharks Cliff & Wilson Softcover 1986

  108. Natural History of Sharks, The Lineaweaver/Backus Hardcover 1970

  109. Natural History of Sharks, The Lineaweaver/Backus Softcover 1973 ++

  110. Oceana - Our Endangered Oceans Danson, Ted Hardcover 2011 ++

  111. Oceanus - Sharks Woods Hole Oceanographic Softcover Winter 1981/82

  112. Ocearch - Sharks in the Ocean Baumgartner, Katharine Softcover 2020

  113. On Location on Martha's Vineyard Blake, Edith Softcover 1975

  114. On Location on Martha’s Vineyard - 45th Blake, Edith Softcover 2020 ++

  115. Only 317 Survived - USS Indianapolis Survivors Org Hardcover 2002 ++

  116. Out of the Depths - USS Indianapolis Harrell, Edgar/David Softcover 2005 ++

  117. Pelagic Sharks - Fisheries Management & Conservation Levesque, Juan C. Softcover 2008

  118. Proceedings on Age Determination of Sharks NOAA NMFS Softcover 1982

  119. Report of the Bureau of Fisheries 1904 Bowers, George Hardcover 1905

  120. Resurrecting the Shark Ewing, Susan Hardcover 2017

  121. Rubby-Dubby Trail - Shark Fishing in British Waters Housby, Trevor Hardcover 1972

  122. Savage Survivor - 300 Million Years of the Shark Copps, Dale Hardcover 1976

  123. Sea Change: A Message of the Oceans Earle, Sylvia A. Softcover 1995 ++

  124. Sea Dragons - Predators of the Prehistoric Oceans Ellis, Richard Softcover 2003 ++

  125. Sea Killers Wyckoff, Jim Paperback 1975

  126. Sea Salt Memories & Essays Waterman, Stan Hardcover 2005 ++

  127. Secret Life of Sharks, The Klimley, A. Peter Hardcover 2003

  128. Secret History of Sharks, The Long, John Hardcover 2024 ++

  129. Sensory Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays US Navy Research Hardcover 1978

  130. Shadows in the Sea - Sharks, Skates, and Rays Allen, Thomas B. Softcover 1996

  131. Shadows in the Sea - Sharks, Skates and Rays McCormick & Allen Softcover 1963

  132. Shark - A Photographer’s Story Stafford-Deitsch, Jeremy Hardcover 1987

  133. Shark - A Visual History Ellis, Richard Softcover 2012

  134. Shark - Photo Manual & Dissection Guide Bohensky, Fred Softcover 2002

  135. Shark - Splendid Savage of the Sea Cousteau, Jacques-Yves Hardcover 1970

  136. Shark - Stories of Life and Death May, Nathaniel Softcover 2002

  137. Shark De Gelder, Paul Hardcover 2022 ++

  138. Shark! (Shark-O in UK) O’Connor, Patrick Fitzgerald Hardcover 1954

  139. Shark! Shark! Young & Mazet Hardcover 1st Edition 1933 ++

  140. Shark! Unpredictable Killer of the Sea Helm, Thomas Softcover 1975

  141. Shark Adventures with Rodney Fox Ruhen, Olaf Softcover 1975

  142. Shark Album, The Mundus, Capt. Frank Softcover 1980 ++

  143. Shark Angling in Great Britain Caunter, Brigidier J.A.L. Hardcover 1961

  144. Shark Attack! Resciniti, Angelo Paperback 1982

  145. Shark Attack: A Program of Data Reduction Baldridge, H. David (Mote) Softcover 1974

  146. Shark Attack: A Study of Swimmers, Surfers etc. Coppleson, V.M. Hardcover 1959

  147. Shark Attacks of New York - A History Heyer, Patricia & Robert Softcover 2021

  148. Shark Attacks of the Jersey Shore - A History Heyer, Patricia & Robert Softcover 2020

  149. Shark Attacks of the Twentieth Century Collier, Ralph S. Hardcover 2003 ++

  150. Shark Attacks - Terrifying True Accounts MacCormick, Alex Softcover 1993

  151. Shark Attacks - Their Causes and Avoidance Allen, Thomas B. Softcover 2002

  152. Shark Biology and Conservation Abel & Grubbs Hardcover 2020

  153. Shark Cage under the Red Sea Falcon-Barker, Capt. Ted Hardcover 1969

  154. Shark Callers, The Kohnke, Glenys Hardcover 1974

  155. Shark Doc, Shark Lab Stafford-Deitsch Hardcover 2015

  156. Shark Down Under - Shark Attacks in Australian Waters Sharpe, Alan Softcover 1993

  157. Shark Fishing off the Great Barrier Reef Mazet, Horace Hardcover 1957 ++

  158. Shark Frenzy Clark, John Softcover 1975

  159. Shark Handbook, The Skomal, Greg Softcover 2008 ++

  160. Shark Hunter Housby, Trevor Hardcover 1976

  161. Shark Hunters Cropp, Ben Hardcover 1964 ++

  162. Shark Life Benchley, Peter Hardcover 2005

  163. Shark Lord of the Sea Romashko, Sandra Softcover 1991

  164. Shark Man Boggs, Robert F. Hardcover 1977

  165. Shark Nursery Grounds of the Gulf & East Coast US Kohler & Pratt Softcover 2007

  166. Shark Repellents from the Sea Zahuranec AAAS 83 Hardcover 1983 ++

  167. Shark Safari Scharp, Capt. Hal Hardcover 1975

  168. Shark Sense US Navy, ATD Softcover 1944

  169. Shark Trouble Benchley, Peter Hardcover 2002 ++

  170. Shark Utilization and Marketing FAO United Nations Softcover 1978

  171. Shark Watch Clark, John Softcover 1975

  172. Shark Watcher's Handbook, The Carwardine & Watterson Softcover 2002

  173. Shark: Fish Men Fear Greenberg, Jerry softcover 1969

  174. Shark! Killer Tales Reid, Robert Softcover 2010

  175. Sharks Freedman, Russell Hardcover 1985 ++

  176. Sharks Muller, Michael Hardcover 2015

  177. Sharks & People Peschak, Thomas P. Hardcover 2013

  178. Sharks and Shark Products in Prehistoric South Florida Kozuch, Laura Softcover 1993

  179. Sharks and Shipwrecks Edwards, Hugh Hardcover 1975

  180. Sharks and Survival Gilbert, Perry W. Hardcover 1975

  181. Sharks and Their Relatives II Carrier, Musick, Heithaus Hardcover 2010

  182. Sharks are Caught at Night Poli, Francois Hardcover 1959

  183. Sharks Around Us Skocik, Dr. R.D. Softcover 1971

  184. Sharks, Morays, and Treasure Straughan, Robert P.L. Hardcover 1965

  185. Sharks, Skates and Rays of the Carolinas Schwartz, Frank Softcover 2003

  186. Sharks: A Love Story Kerckerink, Jupp Softcover 2012 ++

  187. Sharks: An Inquiry into Biology, Behavior and Use Oregon State Softcover 1987

  188. Sharks: Ancient Predators in a Modern Sea Jorgensen, Salvador Hardcover 2013

  189. Sharks: Attacks on Man Llano, George A. Softcover 1975

  190. Sharks: Conservation, Governance, Management Techera & Klein Softcover 2014

  191. Sharks: History and Biology of the Lords of the Sea Mojetta, A Hardcover 1997

  192. Sharks: Killers of the Deep Bright, Michael Hardcover 1984

  193. Sharks: Questions and Answers Levine, Marie Paperback 1994 ++

  194. Sharks: Mysterious Killers Matthews, Downs Hardcover 1996 Signed by Eugenie Clark ++

  195. Sharks: Shorelines of America Howorth, Peter C. Softcover 1992

  196. Sharks: The Search for a Repellent Brown, Theo W. Hardcover 1973

  197. Sharks & Rays Tricas, Timothy Hardcover 1997

  198. Sharks Don’t Sink Graham, Jasmin Hardcover 2024 ++

  199. Sharks of Hawai’i - Biology And Cultural Significance Taylor, Leighton Hardcover 1993

  200. Sharks of New England Maddalena, Alessandro De Softcover 2010

  201. Sharks of North Carolina and Adjacent Waters Schwartz & Burgess Softcover 1975

  202. Sharks of North American Waters, The Castro, Jose I. Hardcover 1983 ++

  203. Sharks of Polynesia Johnson, R.H. Softcover 1984

  204. Sharks of the Pacific Northwest Maddalena, Alessandro Softcover 2007

  205. Sharks of the Shallows Carrier, Jeffrey Hardcover 2017

  206. Sharks of the World Compagno, Dando, Fowler Softcover 2005 ++

  207. Sharks of the World Ebert, David A. Hardcover 2021

  208. Sharks of the World Steel, Rodney Hardcover 1985

  209. Sharks on the Line Camhi, Merry Softcover 1998

  210. Sharks Savage Predators of the Oceans McIntyre, John Hardcover 2006

  211. Sharks Silent Hunters of the Deep Taylor, Ron & Valerie Hardcover 1986 ++

  212. Sharks the Silent Savages Brown, Theo Hardcover 1973

  213. Sharks Up Close Abernethy, James Softcover 2009

  214. Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of California Ebert, David A. Softcover 2003

  215. Sharks, Skates, and Rays - Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes Hamlett, William C. Hardcover 1999

  216. Sharks, Skates and Rays of the Carolinas Schwartz, Frank J. Softcover 2003

  217. Shark's Teeth Nose Art Ethell, Jeffrey L. Softcover 1992

  218. Sharkwater - An Odyssey to Save the Planet Stewart, Rob Hardcover 2007

  219. Silent World, The Cousteau, Jacques-Yves Hardcover 1953

  220. Smart About Sharks Davey, Owen Hardcover 2016

  221. South Africa's Great White Shark Peschak & Scholl Softcover 2006

  222. Sportfishing for Sharks Mundus, Frank & Bill Wisner Softcover 1971

  223. Surfing with the Great White Shark Doudt, Kenny Softcover 1992 ++

  224. Survival At Sea FM 21-22/AFM64-26 Manual Softcover 1950

  225. Tales of Swordfish and Tuna Grey, Zane Hardcover 1927

  226. Teacher at Sea - NOAA Stanitski & Adler Hardcover 2009

  227. Thirty Years of Shark Fishing in West Africa Diop, Mika Softcover 2011

  228. Those in Peril on the Sea Wren, L. Peter Softcover 1999 ++

  229. Tigers of the Sea Muller & Mazet Hardcover 1946 ++

  230. Twelve Days of Terror Fernicola, Richard G. Hardcover 2001

  231. Vertebrate Fossils: A Neophyte's Guide Kocsis, Frank A.  Softcover 2002

  232. Understanding Sharks Ritter, Erich Hardcover 2006

  233. View From the Blanket, The Zalaski, Tom Softcover 2004 ++

  234. Whale Sharks: The Giants of Ningaloo Reef Taylor, Geoff Hardcover 1994

  235. What You Should Know About Sharks Ramsey, Ocean Softcover 2019 ++

  236. What Your Fossils Can Tell You Sinibaldi, Robert W. Hardcover 2010

  237. White Pointer South Black, Chris Softcover 2008

  238. Why is She Smiling? Schauman, William Softcover 2000

  239. Why Sharks Matter Shiffman, David Hardcover 2022 ++

  240. Wooden Hooks Used for Catching Sharks Gudger, E.W. Softcover 1927