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Current Living Sharks Museum Library (Science Paper Archive) Catalog as of (11/15/24)

  1. Abnormal Dentition in Sharks, Selachii | E. W. Gudger - 1937

  2. Acoustic Attraction of Pacific Reef Sharks | Nelson & Johnson - 1976

  3. Additional Information on the Morphology of an Embryo Whale Shark | Garrick - 1964

  4. Adrenergic Blood Pressure Responses in Sharks | Schwartz & Borzelleca - 1969

  5. Advice to Those Who Frequent or Find Themselves in Shark Infested Waters | Gilbert - 1975

  6. Aerial Surveys of Whale Sharks | East Coast South Africa - Gifford, Compagno, Levine - ?

  7. Age, Growth and Reproductive Biology of Silky Shark and Scalloped Hammerhead | Branstetter - 1987

  8. Age and Growth Estimates of the Bull Shark from the Norther Gulf of Mexico | Branstetter, Stiles - 1987

  9. Age and Growth of the Sandbar Shark | Western Atlantic, CJFAS - Casey, Pratt, Stillwell - 1985

  10. Age and Growth of the Shortfin Mako | Western Atlantic, CJFAS - Pratt & Casey - 1983

  11. Age and Growth Validation of Newborn Sharks held in Laboratory Aquaria, Sharpnose | Branstetter - 1987

  12. Agonistic Displays in the Blacktip Shark | Ritter & Godnecht - 2000

  13. Agonistic Display in the Gray Reef Shark and its Relationship to Attacks | Johnson & Nelson - 1973

  14. Albinism in Embryo Gray Smooth-Hound Sharks from California | Talent - 1973

  15. An Exotic Shark Fossil from Western Nevada | Wheeler - 1938/1992

  16. Analysis of Sharksucker Induced Behavior in the Blacktip Shark | Ritter - 2001

  17. Angler’s Guide to Sharks of the Northeastern United States | Casey - 1964

  18. Another Capture on the New Jersey Coast of Basking Shark | E. W. Gudger - 1930

  19. Antibody Response of Fish to Viral Antigens | Sigel & Clem - 1965

  20. Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy of Shark Dermal Denticles | Dingerkus - 1986

  21. Approaches to the Study of the Behavior of Sharks | Gruber, Myrberg - 1977

  22. Attraction of Free Ranging Sharks by Low Frequency | Myrberg, Gordon, Klimley - 1975

  23. Behavior of Sharks | Perry Gilbert - 1962

  24. Behavior of the Bonnethead Shark | Myrberg & Gruber - 1974

  25. Binding Properties of Shark Immunoglobulins | Sigel, Voss, Rudikoff - 1972

  26. Biological and Chemical Properties of Natural Antibodies in the Nurse Shark | Rudikoff, Voss, Sigel - 1970

  27. Biological Notes on the Sharks of the North Central Gulf of Mexico | Branstetter - 1981

  28. Bite Motivation of Sharks Reflected by the Wound Structure on Humans | Ritter & Levine - 2005

  29. Brown (Smoothhound) Shark in California | Roedel - 1951

  30. Cannibalism Among the Sharks and Rays | E.W. Gudger - 1932

  31. Cauterization of External Endolymphatic Duct in Elasmobranchs | Arenberg, Schenck, Holtzscher - 1972

  32. Color Variation in the Sevengill Shark | California Coast - David Ebert - 1985

  33. Comparative Immunochemical and Immunological Reactions in Marine Fishes | Clem & Sigel - 1963

  34. Comparative SEM Study of Inner Ear Hair Cell Regions of the Lemon Shark | Rauchbach & Arenberg - 1972

  35. Comparison of the Age and Growth of the Tiger Shark - Virginia & Gulf of Mexico | Branstetter, Musick - 1987

  36. Complement-Dependent Systems and the Phylogeny of Immunity | Evans, Legler, Painter, Acton, Attleberger - 1968

  37. Connections of the Nurse Shark’s Telencephalon | Ebbesson & Schroeder - 1971

  38. Deep Water Elasmobranchs and Chimaeroids from Northwestern Atlantic | Bigelow & Schroeder - 1954

  39. Demonstration of Perineural Epithelium in Whale and Shark Nerves - Shanthaveerappa & Bourne - 1963

  40. Does the Sting Ray Strike and Poison Fishes? | E. W. Gudger - 1946

  41. Dried Shark Fins and Shark Leather | Fisheries Intelligence Circular - South Pacific Commission - 1971

  42. Dynamics of the Feeding Mechanism of Large Galeoid Sharks | Stewart Springer - 1961

  43. Dynamics of White Shark/Pinniped interactions in the Gulf of the Farallones | Ainley, et al -1985

  44. Ecology of the Scalloped Hammerhead in Hawaii | Clarke - 1971

  45. Electrocardiographic Studies of Free-Sharks | Gilbert & Douglas - 1963

  46. Electroencephalograms of Sharks | Gilbert, Hodgson, Mathewson - 1964

  47. Electroreception and the Compass Sense of Sharks | Paulin, Michael G. - 1994

  48. Feeding Behavior in Three Species of Sharks | Edmund Hobson - 1963

  49. Filetail Catshark in Midwater in the Santa Barbara Basin California | ? - 1969

  50. First North American Continental Record of Longfin Mako | Dodrill & Gilmore - 1979

  51. First Record of the Great White Shark from British Columbia | Pike - 1962

  52. Food, Habits and Estimates of Daily Ration of the Shortfin Mako - Stillwell & Kohler - 1981

  53. Food Intake Patterns in Juvenile Lemon Sharks | Graeber - 1974

  54. Food Related Dominance Between Caribbean and Blacktip Sharks | Ritter - 2000

  55. Fourth Florida Whale Shark | American Museum Model - E. W. Gudger - 1931 (PC, B-MNH)

  56. Functional Anatomy of the Clasper of the Yellow Stingray | Michael LaMarca - 1964

  57. Growth Rates in the Nurse Shark | Carrier & Luer - 1990

  58. Half-Lives, Body Distribution and Interconversion of Serum in Sharks | Small, Klapper, Clem - 1970

  59. Hearing Thresholds, Discrimination and Orientation Lemon Sharks | Nelson - 1967

  60. Hearing Thresholds of the Horn Shark, Heterodontus francisci | Kelly & Nelson - 1975

  61. Heart Valves of Elasmobranch Fishes | E. Grace White - 1936

  62. History and Status of Research on the White Shark | Southern Africa - Leonard Compagno - 1994

  63. History of the Whale Shark | Barton Bean - 1905

  64. Immunoglobulins of the Lemon Shark | Clem & Small - 1967

  65. Immunoglobulins of the Nurse Shark | Clem, Boutaud, Sigel - 1967

  66. Immunological Response of an Elasmobranch to Human Influenza Virus | Sigel & Clem - 1963

  67. Is the Sting Ray’s Sting Poisonous to Vertebrates other than Men and Fishes? | E. W. Gudger - 1947

  68. Keeping Sharks for Research | Samuel Gruber & Raymond Keyes - ?

  69. Land Birds in the Stomachs of Tiger Sharks | Dodrill & Gilmore - 1978

  70. Lateral Line in Fish - Possible Mode of Action | E.E. Suckling - 1962

  71. Life History of the Spiny Dogfish | Jensen - 1966

  72. Lipid Composition of the Central Nervous System Marine Vert | Fumagalli - 1968

  73. Liver Preparations of Nurse Sharks and Clearnose Skate | Bodine, Luer, Gangjee - 1985

  74. Mechanism of Upper Jaw Protrusion in Sharks | Sanford Moss - 1962

  75. Microstructural and Microradiographic Qualities of Lemon Shark Enameloid | Gwinnett, Guzman, Legler - 1972

  76. Migration and Movements of the Whale Shark | Sea of Cortez - Eckert & Stewart - ?

  77. Natal Anti-Shark Measures Board | Scientific Newsletter - 1984 or 1985

  78. Natural Antibodies in Primitive Vertebrates: The Sharks | Voss, Rudikoff, Lichter, Jensen - 1970

  79. New (Dogfish) Shark from the Carolina Continental Slope | Springer - (Deania elegans) - 1959

  80. New (Dogfish) Shark from the Coast of Somalia | Springer (Triakis fehlmanni) - 1968

  81. New (Dogfish) Shark from the Gulf of California | Springer (Galeus piperatus) - 1966

  82. New Plagiostomia | Garman, Samuel - 1906

  83. New Sixgill Species from the Bahamas | Springer & Waller (Hexanchus vitulus) - 1969

  84. New Species of Eagle Ray From California | Applegate & Fitch (Myliobatis longirostris) - 1964

  85. New Species, the Salmon Shark of the North Pacific | Hubbs & Follett - 1947

  86. Northeastern Pacific White Shark SOFA Examination | Domeier, Lucas, Palacios - 2021

  87. Notes on Northwestern Atlantic Sharks and Skates | Bigelow & Schroeder - 1927

  88. Notes on the Embryos of Several Species of Rays | Coles - 1913

  89. Notes on the Sharks and Rays of Cape Lookout, NC | Coles - 1915

  90. Novel Method for Extracting DNA from Lamniformes Tooth | Swig & Collier - ?

  91. Observation on Pathways and Behavior Blood-Brain Barrier Sharks | Klatzo & Steinwall - 1965

  92. Occurrence of the Bramble Shark in California | Hubbs & Clark - 1945

  93. Operation Whale Shark | Tanzania - Matthew Potenski (SRI) - 2007

  94. Osmotic Regulation and Urea Metabolism in the Lemon Shark | Goldstein, Oppelt, Maren - 1968

  95. Patterns of Activity Space Utilization of Lemon Sharks | Gruber, Nelson, Morrissey - 1988

  96. Permeability of Uterine Mucosa of Gravid Squalus acanthias | Gilbert & Bevelander - ?

  97. Population Differences in the Swell Shark | Grover - 1972

  98. Predation on Harbour Porpoise by a White Shark | Arnold - 1972

  99. Predatory Behavior of White Sharks at Seal Island South Africa | Martin, Hammerschlag, Collier, Fallows - 2005

  100. Probable Occurance of the Shark Genus Palaeocarcharodon in NJ | Gerard R. Case - 1993

  101. Purification and Binding Properties of Nurse Shark Antibody | Voss, Russell, Sigel - 1969

  102. Rate of Tooth Replacement in the Nurse Shark | Luer, Blum, Gilbert - 1990

  103. Recent Advances in Studies of the Visual System of Juvenile Lemon Shark | Hueter & Gruber - 1982

  104. Records of Pregnant White Sharks from Japanese Waters | Uchida and Toda - 1996 ++

  105. Records of Seven Juveniles of the Whale Shark | F.H. Wolfson - 1982

  106. Records of Uncommon and Unusual Fish from Eastern Canadian Waters | Leim & Day - 1959

  107. Recurring Attacks by White Sharks on Divers at Two Pacific Sites off Mexico and California | Collier - 1990

  108. Refutation of Lengths 11.3, 9.0, and 6.4 M Attributed to the White Shark | Randall - 1987

  109. Report on a Recent Shark Attack off San Francisco, California | Collier - 1964

  110. Reproduction in the Blue Shark | Pratt - 1979

  111. Reproduction of Some Species of Pelagic Sharks from the Indian Ocean | Gubanov, Ye. P. - 1979

  112. Responses in Bahamiam Sharks to Low Frequency Sounds | Nelson, Johnson, Walfdrop - 1969

  113. Review of Conservation Concerns Whale Shark | Brad Norman C& CS Project - 2004

  114. Review of the Dogfish Problem off the West Coast of Canada | Ketchen - 1969

  115. Review of Western Atlantic Cat Sharks | Stewart Springer - 1965

  116. Satellite Tagging of Bull Sharks | Walker’s Cay Bahamas - Brunnschweiler & Buskirk - 2006

  117. Shark Attacks in California and Oregon 1926-1979 | Miller & Collier - 1980

  118. Shark Attacks off the California Islands: Review and Update | Ralph S. Collier - 1992

  119. Shark Attraction Using a Video-Acoustic System | Myrberg, Banner, Richard - 1969

  120. Shark Cognition and Human Mediated Driver of a Spate of Shark Attacks | Levine, Collier, Ritter - 2014

  121. Shark Fishing Gear : A Historical Review | Wagner, Mary Hayes - 1966

  122. Sharks: An Inquiry into Biology, Behavior, Fisheries, and Use | Oregon State University - 1985

  123. Sharks, Fisheries and Biodiversity | Compagno, L.J.V.

  124. Sharks and Man in Perspective | Natal Sharks Board - ?

  125. Sharks of North Carolina and Adjacent Waters | Shwartz & Burgess - 1975

  126. Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus with the Tuna Fishery in Tropical Pacific | Kato - 1964

  127. Stereotyped Motor Patterns in Two Captive Bull Sharks | Stalls & Keyes - 1980

  128. Studies on New Zealand Elasmobranchii | Garrick - 1960

  129. Symposium on the Biology of the White Shark | Bodega Marine Laboratory - 1993

  130. Systematics, Ecology and Physiology of Elasmobranchs | Uchida, S. - 1987

  131. T2 Bacteriophage Clearance in the Lemon Shark | Sigel, Acton, Evans, Russel, Wells, Painter, Lucas - 1968

  132. Temperature, Heat Production and Heat Exchange in Lamnid Sharks | Carey, Casey, Pratt - 1985

  133. Transatlantic Migrations of the Blue Shark | Casey - 1984

  134. Two New Genera of Sharks (Ctenacis and Gollum) | Compagno - 1973

  135. Two New Species of Etmopterus (Lanternshark) from New Zealand | Garrick - 1957

  136. Two Shark Incidents Marshall Islands | Hobson, Mautin, Reese - 1960

  137. Two Year Migration of Adult Female White Sharks reveals Separated Nursery Areas, Concerns - Domeier & Lucas - 2013

  138. Unprovoked Attacks by White Sharks off the South Africa Coast | Marie Levine - 1996

  139. Unusual Records of Gulf of Maine Fishes | Scattergood & Goggins - 1958

  140. Urea Biosynthesis and Excretion in Elasmobranchs | Goldstein & Forster - 1970

  141. Ventricular Fluid Production Rates in Elasmobranchii | Oppelt, Patlak, Zubrod, Rall - 1963

  142. Visual Discrimination in Sharks Without Optic Tectum | Graeber, Ebbesson, Jane - 1973

  143. Visual Target Discrimination in Blacktip Sharks | Tester & Kato - 1966

  144. Voluntary Swimming Speeds of Two Species of Large Carcharhinid Sharks | Weihs, Keyes, Stalls - 1981

  145. Whale Shark, Rhineodon typus | Description of the Skeletal Parts - E. Grace White - 1930 (PC, B-MNH)

  146. Whale Shark in Indian Coastal Waters - Protected or Vulnerable? - MFIS, CMFRI - 1986

  147. Whale Shark Interaction Management | Ningaloo - Jeremy Colman - 1997

  148. Whale Shark is a Livebearer | 300 Embryos - Joung, Chen, Clark, Uchida, Huang - 1996

  149. Whale Shark Recovery Plan | NHT & Australian Government DEH - 2005

  150. White Shark Attack Behavior: Strategies | John E. McCosker - 1985

  151. White Shark Attacks on Inanimate Objects along the Pacific Coast | Collier, Marks, Warner - 1996

  152. Whale Shark Tagging and Ecotourism | Newman (Singapore) and Medcraft (Australia) - 1997