“In the Fighting Chair” returns with Dr. Greg Skomal, renowned Shark Biologist for Massachusetts Marine Fisheries and Atlantic White Shark Conservancy! Hosted by our Curator Keith Cowley, see it on Living Sharks Museum’s Facebook Live!
Send us your questions and listen for the answers during the Q&A!
We're excited to announce new LIVE installments of our educational interview series "In the Fighting Chair", where guests share their experiences and stories about sharks, shark history, and shark future from a respectful unbiased platform, repurposing the fighting chair for shark science and conservation.
Follow all our social media to join us in all our live events: FB | TW | IG @livingsharks
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Earlier Event: April 3
In the Fighting Chair - with William McKeever, Author of Emperors of the Deep
Later Event: April 10
In the Fighting Chair - with Carl Gottlieb, Screenwriter of JAWS