Join us for a Museum Mingle with Breanna Racicot, our first guest for a FREE Sunday Series, June 2nd, 5-8PM at Living Sharks Museum! Meet and greet and learn about sharks! Refreshments served! 🦈 ——————————————— Breanna Racicot is going into her junior year at UCONN Avery Point pursuing a degree in Marine Sciences with a minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. She is the Vice President of the Avery Point Marine Sciences Club and a member of the scuba club on campus. She has always had a passion for sharks but it has been in the last 7 years that she has become an avid shark advocate by volunteering with several non profits including Sharks4Kids, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy and The Atlantic Shark Institute. She is also a member of the American Elasmobranch Society. Her goal is to go into shark research and education. _____________________________________