Lauren is a marine scientist, well-respected photographer and cinematographer, and licensed boat captain focusing on the conservation of sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. She graduated from the University of Rhode Island in 2016 with a B.S. in Marine Biology and 2017 with a master’s in Oceanography.

Lauren started working for 333 Productions in 2017 as a cinematographer and has been featured on Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Lionsgate Pictures, Facebook and ESPN. She and her husband, highly acclaimed underwater cinematographer Joe Romeiro, operate the wildlife filming and conservation vessel, R/V WARFISH from Rhode Island. Lauren has quickly made an impact in the shark world aboard the R/V WARFISH. She is working on her PhD at URI GSO in Dr. Kelton McMahon's lab specializing in endothermic sharks and pelagic sharks throughout the Northwest Atlantic. Using deep-sea BRUVs, eDNA, fin cameras, psat tags and taking biopsies for reproductive hormones & isotope analysis all on free swimming animals, she will be able to get a better understanding of the socialization, mating and hunting behavior of these animals.


SEPTEMBER 10th, 2022 | THE UNITED THEATER | Westerly, Rhode Island

Join us for a day-long event of educational independent film screenings, lectures and gallery exhibitions featuring SHARKS! Explore the shark-themed vendor space, meet filmmakers, researchers and conservationists raising awareness about the importance of sharks in our oceans.

Visit for the event schedule and special guest announcements!

FB & IG @livingsharksmuseum | Hosted by Living Sharks Museum, “Preserving Shark History & Shark Future”.

The venue for Living Sharks FilmFest, The United Theatre is a dynamic arts complex located in Westerly, RI. Our mission is to UNITE the community through the arts. The United features a 600-seat flexible-use black box auditorium that is used for live music, theater, opera, dance, and presentations; three film venues including a 76-seat main cinema, a 24-seat micro-cinema, and a 100-seat balcony cinema; a multi-purpose event and gallery space